• 2023
    Winter Talks

    Dawid Strębicki took part in the Winter Talks 2023/24 event with an inauguration lecture as a visiting professor at Hochschule Bochum. The lecture took place at December 7th 2023. 

  • Open Eyes Economy Summit

    Jola Starzak as a guest in a discussion “The right to the city as the foundation of self-government” during Open Eyes Economy Summit 2023. The discussion took place on November 22nd 2023.

  • 2022

    Jola Starzak as a participant in “Forum harmonii” discussion at the 5th edition of MDF festival in Szczecin Philharmonic. The discussion took place on September 22nd, 2022.

  • Design Education Panellists Discussion

    Jola Starzak as a Panellist of the Design Education Panel Discussion event in Singapore. The organizer of the event is Interior Design Confederation Singapore.

  • Debate as a part of KENGO KUMA exhibition

    Jola Starzak in Can architecture not contribute to the climate catastrophe? debate during KENGO KUMA. Experimenting with Materials exhibition in the Manggha Museum in Krakow.

  • 2021
    Workshops for the whole earth
  • Future office

    Jola Starzak took part in the online talk "Future office" for the online event "Green Office". Event organized by ZENIT GmbH and Enterprise Europe Network.

  • 2020
    9th Lower Silesian Festival of Architecture

    Jola Starzak and Dawid Strebicki took part in the 9th Lower Silesian Festival of Architecture with the online lecture: "City as a system of interconnected vessels".

  • Architects in the XXI century

    Jola Starzak i Dawid Strębicki took part on the online talk “Architects in the XXI century. Architecture of tomorrow” organized by Architektura i Biznes.

  • Interview Pobudka antyRAMA

    Jola Starzak took part in an interview Pobudka organized by antyRAMA.

  • Debate Smart Cities Malta Festival

    Jola Starzak took part in the debate SMART CITIES organised by Malta Festival

  • Is a new Bauhaus possible?

    Jola Starzak is one of the guests of the talk: “Is a new Bauhaus possible?” organised by architecture student society SPLOT.  07.03.2020, Poznan University of Technology, Poland

  • Interview “Women who inspire”

    Jola Starzak as one of the invited guests to the interview "Women who inspire" in the Architecture Marathon during the 4 Design Days 2020. 08.02.2020 Katowice, Poland. 

  • Pismo Debate

    Participation of Jola Starzak in debate - Are we going to live in smart cities? Warsaw, Poland. 

  • 2019
    Promotional debate-Chronicles of the city of Poznan

    Participation of Jola Starzak in the debate about Głogowska street and its immediate surroundings.

  • Creascope 2019

    Lecture by Jola Starzak “Accessible future – between humbleness and stubbornness” on Creascope 2019. Academy DTEK, Kyiv.


  • Dizajn lokalny

    Lecture by Atelier Starzak Strebicki "How important for the designers is the knowledge of craftsmen". 30.03.2019 Pawilion, Poznań.

  • How much of a psychologist

    must be in an architect? Conversation with Jolanta Starzak and Dawid Strębicki on the air of Polish Radio


    Conversation with Dawid Strebicki (Atelier Starzak Strebicki), Laura Muyldermans and Jorg De Vriese (City3), 17.01.2019, Science Gallery, Dublin, Ireland.

  • 2018
    Building the Atlas

    Lecture by Jola Starzak on the festival “Building the Atlas – New Generations Festival – 5th Edition”, at Babka do wynajęcia, 17.11.2018, Warsaw, Poland.

  • Home.Housing.Dwelling

    Lecture by Dawid Strebicki “Home.Housing.Dwelling” during interdisciplinary course Akademia Miasta 2018 by Fundacja Malta. Poznań, Poland. 

  • Human touch in design

    to be remembered. Jola Starzak as part of the debate during the event Warsaw Home. Nadarzyn, Poland.

  • A towering faith

    Jola Starzak as part of a debate during Malta Festival 2018. Plac Wolności, Poznań, Poland.

  • integrated metropolitan region

    Lecture by Dawid Strębicki concerning the topic of integrated metropolitan region. Poznań, Poland.

  • Architecture does matter – Error in Housing

    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki during Gdynia Design Festival 2018. Gdynia, Poland.

  • Love or Not!

    Why do we (not) fall in love with urban spaces? Lecture by Ewy Voelkel-Krokowicz, Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki during Łódź Design Festival 2018. Łódź, Poland.

  • Podwórza – przestrzenie wspólnot

    Jola Starzak as part of a debate in the series Dialogowanie historyków sztuki i artystów. Poznań, Poland.

  • Młody Poznań

    Dawid Strębicki as part of a debate in the series #Poznan2023. Poznań, Poland.

  • 2017

    Atelier Starzak Strebicki as part of a debate during workshops organized by Malta Foundation. Poznań, Poland.

  • From Benelux to Poznań

    Lecture by Dawid Strębicki during the event Towarzyskie urbanistów pogawędki. Cafe Misja, Poznań, Poland.

  • Warszawskie rozmowy architektoniczne

    Dawid Strębicki as part of a debate "MASTERPLAN – COMPETITION – STANDARDS Instruments of quality of realization projects”. Warsaw, Poland.

  • City. Space. Architecture. People and space

    – new capital. Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki during the event Łódź Design Festival.


    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as part of "Mood for Wood". Poznań, Poland.

  • Housing in XXI century

    Atelier Starzak Strebicki in tv program "Księga Przestrzeni” for TVP Kultura about residential buildings in XXI century. To watch online on vod.

  • Polish premiere of “Junkspace”

    Dawid Strębicki took part in the debate during polish premiere of “Junkspace” by Rem Koolhaas. Poznań, Poland.

  • Office buildings

    Atelier Starzak Strebicki in tv program “Księga przestrzeni” for TVP Kultura – discussion about office buildings. To watch online on vod.

  • Debate in the Courtyard

    Dawid Strębicki participated in the debate “Are we able to share the city?” as part of the event Dzień Samorządu Terytorialnego. Courtyard City Hall, Poznań, Poland.

  • Green Days 2017

    Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki participated in the debate about „Low Cost Design”

  • BUDMA 2017

    Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki participated in the debate about „Social responsibility of the architect

  • First five years – about our work and fascinations

    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki at School of Form. Poznań, Poland. To listen online.

  • 2016
    Direct Link Poznań – Brno

    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki at the Department of Architecture at VUTVB. Brno, Czechy.

  • Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki at the Department of Architecture. Cottbus, Germany.
  • Łódź Design Festival 2016
    Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki participated in the debate about "How to live together at home? Space as a tool to design social relations." Łódź, Poland.
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as a part of "CITY ACADEMY. PROTOTYPE". Poznań, Poland.
    Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki in OFF Czarek radio broadcast, Radio TOK fm. To listen online OFF Czarek
  • Warszawa Powiśle
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as a part of "Miejski Piknik". Warsaw, Poland.
  • workshop – Mood for Wood
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as a part of "Mood fo wood". Poznań, Poland.
  • On the balcony with the architect
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as a part of events ON THE BALCONY organized by CK Zamek. Poznań, Poland.
  • Hoe ziet wonen in de Vlaamse Rand er in de toekomst uit?

    Dawid Strebicki participated in the debate about the future of living in Vlaamse Rand in Strombeek, Belgium.

  • In-between garden design and creation of space
    Lecture by Jola Starzak as a part of debate organized by SPAK at the University of Life Sciences. Poznań, Poland.
  • Home. Housing. Dwelling
    Lecture by Dawid Strębicki in Institute of  Design. Kielce, Poland.
  • 2015
    Ogólnopolska Giełda Projektów
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as a part of events organized by the National Centre for Culture in Warsaw. Katowice, Poland.  
  • Beyond Architecture – New Generations Festival

    Lectures by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as a part of events: Public Space Gvernance, Re-Activation VS Demolition, (...). Genoa, Italy.

  • OFF Czarek radio broadcast
    Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki in OFF Czarek radio broadcast, Radio TOK fm. To listen online OFF Czarek
  • Home.Housing.Dwelling.
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki during Gdynia Design Days 2015. Gdynia, Poland.
  • Public, private and collective
    Are we able to share spaces and use it as common ground? Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as part of the event “SWPS university at festival Transatlantyk”. Poznań, Poland.
  • Architecture – Work in progress
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki at Concordia Design. Poznań, Poland.
  • 2014
    Lectures by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as a part of festival events: Survival Style, Pecha Kucha Night, Soapbox lectures. Florence, Italy.
  • Freshlatino2
    Atelier Starzak Strebicki as one of the speakers at the event “Freshlatino2”. Cracow, Poland.
  • stad en land
    Lecture by Dawid Strębicki at the conference “stad en land” (city and landscape). Kortrijk, Belgium.
  • Review of architecture practises from Poznan
    Lecture by Dawid Strębicki as one of eight lectures at the event at School of Form. Poznań, Polska.
  • 2013
    In search for hidden beauty of modernists architecture in Stalowa Wola
    Lecture as a part of “Design Days”. Stalowa Wola, Poland.
  • Design process and perception of space
    Lecture by Jola Starzak and Dawid Strębicki as part of the festival Transatlantyk. Poznań, Poland.
  • Odczuwanie Przestrzeni
    Lecture by Jola Starzak at Cubetura 2013. Szczecin, Poland.
  • 2012
    Project has been presented at the CULBURB conference. Vienna, Austria. To listen online CULBURB
  • Do you do domestic design?
    Lecture by Jola Starzak as a part of the lecture series "Internity Insights – Master Class". Warsaw, Poland.